Geeky · Work

Books, books and more BOOKS!

As you’ll no doubt have noticed by my recent posts … I love to read. Which is natural since I’m a librarian. But recently I’ve been trying to get more time in since it is the end of the semester. Got to read all the books!

Also the trip was successful! No problems with my legs – APS or Lupus wise. Sore from biking all over the Washington Mall area – yes. It was great finally meet the rest of my SO family and to finally be able to announce to the world that WE ARE ENGAGED! 🙂 – we waited until after I had officially met his Dad to make the announcement on social sites. But I’ve had the ring since early October. It’s good to be able to finally talk about it!!

Ok – more another day… Heading to bed a little early because my legs have felt achy and swollen all day!


Owie · Work

Day Two at Home

Well, today is my second day staying home from work. Yesterday the pain was located primarily in my legs – achy and painful to touch is suspected that it had more to do with my APS than with my Lupus.

But this morning I woke up barely able to get out of bed. The pain is now in my hands and back – different this time. Now I’m sure it’s the Lupus. :-/

Fortunately I’m heading to the rhuemy on Monday for my routine maintenance checkup. So the blood work will probably be able to tell me if I’m going into a flare.

Life · Work

Fevers and infections oh my.

I hate calling in to work sick.

This morning I woke up at around 2:30, with a sore throat so bad I was unable to swallow. Great. I definitely don’t have time for this right now. But – I made some beef broth (at 3 in he morning, I’m sure my cat and dog were completely confused), and the warmth and salty-ness soothed it enough for me to go back to sleep.

But when I woke up at 7 – it was back, and this time I had a fever. So I decided for the sake of my co-workers health I would stay home from work. Even though I had a good reason, staying home from work always makes me feel like I’ve done something wrong.

Well, after a visit to the doctor the diagnosis was clear – I have an ear infection, that is beginning to move into my throat. A part of me wonders if this has anything to do with with the fluctuation in my medications. It’s probably nothing but coincidence but you have to admit it’s odd timing.

(Good news, Sprint is getting an iPhone!! Finally!!)

Exercise · Work


Life has gotten insane lately – between two jobs, classes for my 2nd masters degree, volunteering/helping with the local animal shelter, trying to have a life with friends and loved ones, and ohhh breathing. It’s hard to fit anything else in.

Keeping myself busy is good – but a part of me worries that if I don’t slow down a little that I could be risking another flare up. I’ve been blissfully in remission for most of this year. But just the other day – when the weather changed (stupid low front) – my joints in my hands, feet, and ankles began to ache. Don’t get me wrong- it was nothing compared to the pain that I was in during my flares but just that little bit of discomfort caused me to remember it all.

How quickly the memory of severe pain fades once it stops – but with the slightest hint of pain returning you begin to remember it all. I do almost anything not to feel that way again.

So I’m going to slow down (if just a little bit) take some time for myself where I can just sit down and read or watch TV.

Happy health everyone!

Geeky · Work

Life can be busy

Sorry haven’t posted in a few days. Life got hectic – I am now working two jobs and going to school full time while working to manage my illness. Oh and have a life. *sigh* And I wonder why I’m having trouble with headaches.

Today was my first day teaching. Ok, actually I just had to teach an instructional seminar on research methods (enthralling, I know) but this was a big deal for me. It was first semi-professional presentation and it went well. But god was I on edge. Even after the presentation was finished I still felt jittery.

Also cool news on the geek front – I got a Nook Color!! Trying it out still but so far so good. Wanna be my Nook Friend? Hit me up! Lol.